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  • Archive for the ‘Depression’ Category

    Being Kind to Myself…

    2016 - 11.10

    Today was just another day spent trying to come up with more ideas about kicking off small opportunities to enter into the coming holiday season with so as to have something running next year. Employment opportunities traditionally slow down at this time of the year here, and don’t really kick off again until middle to late January. So although I ease up on myself a bit about nothing on the books, it’s not an escape from the financial pressures.

    Familial Alerts…

    2016 - 11.09

    My negative waves must be transmitting, since I had a call from my sister today. She does seem to have a “Craig Alarm” that goes off when I’m in a really shabby place. Anyway it was good to have a short rant session. It definitely eased the angst of the day for me. I suppose it was needed.

    My only other real thrill for the day was seeing the US have actually elected Donald Trump and that his part actually has a majority in both Houses. That’s Hilarious.

    Reconciling My Worthlessness…

    2016 - 11.08

    Scratching my head most of today trying to come up with some new ideas for pulling in some money. The Furbags refuse to shake booty out on the street corner so a career as a Pimp clearly won’t work.

    The Mysteries of a Good Night’s Sleep…

    2016 - 11.07

    Still wrestling with the sleep pattern, but at least it seems to be coming around. I’m hopeful that by Wednesday I should be back into the normal pattern. I’ve found that for me 06:30 to 22:30 / 23:00 works best.

    Biting the Bullet…

    2016 - 11.03

    Less angry than yesterday, after nothing is going to change except my behaviour. I can’t afford to get bitter when I’m already struggling against falling down another pit of Depression.

    Night Shift…

    2016 - 11.01

    Sleep cycle is absolutely shattered this week. It feels like I’m slipping into a night shift mode.


    2016 - 10.23

    A day to gather my resources I guess. Brainstorming survival options.

    Of Zombies & Rebellions…

    2016 - 10.22

    Boardgames played at Andrew’s today.

    1. Pandemic
    2. Star Wars Rebellion.
    3. Dead of winter.
    4. Zombie Dice

    An excellent day had by all I believe. PC repairs were swift & successful. Star Wars Rebellion ended up with Rebel Scum being allowed to live to fight another day, the world was consumed by 2 Pandemics, and a couple of Zombie infestations. Overall a fairly successful gaming day, with much fun had by all.

    Spirits Lifting…

    2016 - 10.22

    I have a Boardgaming session at Andrew’s today. Boardgames to hopefully be played today:

    1. Pandemic
    2. Star Wars Rebellion.
    3. Dead of winter.
    4. Zombie Dice

    Some of these will hurt like hell I think. I cut my finger (pinky) while making breakfast this morning and it’s stuffing my typing right up. I keep ending up hitting the “caps lock” without noticing because I can’t feel as well with the band-aids on my finger.

    It seems we will be doing PC repairs before hand though. Damned Windows. Why can’t they just give in to the ease which is Apple? 🙂

    Small Steps (Forward?)…

    2016 - 10.21

    I woke up around 04:00 and it seems Chemoux has been keeping guard of me overnight so at least I’ve been in good paws. Heading out to a friend’s house tonight, fixing up his PC and board gaming tomorrow before heading home. Hoping this will improve my mood.

    On the positive side of life though I have managed to start getting down those short stories I indicated I was going to give a shot. Still on the first one, but at least I’m moving on them.