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  • Archive for September, 2009

    Long way to 111 yet…

    2009 - 09.07

    Well the odometer has rolled over another kilometre in my life, although I confess to not really noticing any difference these days when they do. It was nearly a Shagless Birthday, but the Cosmos merely wanted to tease me I think: a call late Saturday night just after one guest left preceded an unexpected but welcome visit from an old friend I don’t see much these days. Apparently she was slipping into Ballarat for Father’s Day, and just gave me a quick call to see if I was still up. Several hour’s later my faith in the Cosmos was once again confirmed. An unintended Birthday present gratefully accepted. Thanks J.

    Top that off with an ADO today, finishing F.E.A.R. Files meaning yet another xbox 360 finished and all in all I call it a nice long weekend.

    Some more tangible presents were in the form of the below:

    Cthulhu RP dice

    Cthulhu RP dice that are luminous!

    Thanks Mr Awesome!

    New Boardgame

    New Boardgame Middle-Earth Quest

    Thanks Furbag

    First Dance with the Cool Cat…

    2009 - 09.01

    Well as you’d expect the “upgrade” to Snow Leopard went flawlessly, although unfortunately after said upgrade I seem to have lost sounds in my IM client Proteus. As a consequence I’ll just go back to using Adium instead until it’s fixed. Everything else is working as expected except the RSS feeds in mail. But still I’m sure that will sort itself out too, I may just need to “tweak” something after the upgrade.