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  • Archive for October, 2016

    Bailing the Leaky Liferaft…

    2016 - 10.31

    Pretty much nothing exciting, more desperate. I’m exploring a financial option that may, just may keep me going for while longer.

    Mentally Afloat…

    2016 - 10.30

    Interesting Weekend’s research into some of the finer points of photography, and some board gaming.

    Pick up Sticks…

    2016 - 10.29

    Bit of a yard clean up as I have another yard load of branches down from trees with the wild winds we’ve been regularly having.

    Movie Night…

    2016 - 10.28

    I’ve devoted today to writing, online store maintenance and gaming.

    Movie Night tonight with Jamie. We’re having a “B Grade” horror night watching “Harbinger Down” followed by “B Grade” Science Fiction effort “Ice Pirates”.

    Livestock by the Catload…

    2016 - 10.27

    It seems to be Lizard, Centipede, Moth and Mouse Season again. Between the two furbags I’m ending up with all sort’s of presents.


    2016 - 10.26

    I’ve had to renew all my web server certificates for at least two of my domains and install them. It’s been and all morning effort. Seems to be problem free. I wouldn’t say it was cash free unfortunately!

    Also had some preliminary discussions with my Accountant about a possible option to stretch out how long I can last if it takes until after December to find some work.

    Research Day 2…

    2016 - 10.25

    More youtube, I’m enjoying a bunch of Boardgames reviews & gameplay videos.

    Research Day…

    2016 - 10.24

    Today was mostly Photography research and some writing. Supplemented with much “youtube”.


    2016 - 10.23

    A day to gather my resources I guess. Brainstorming survival options.

    Of Zombies & Rebellions…

    2016 - 10.22

    Boardgames played at Andrew’s today.

    1. Pandemic
    2. Star Wars Rebellion.
    3. Dead of winter.
    4. Zombie Dice

    An excellent day had by all I believe. PC repairs were swift & successful. Star Wars Rebellion ended up with Rebel Scum being allowed to live to fight another day, the world was consumed by 2 Pandemics, and a couple of Zombie infestations. Overall a fairly successful gaming day, with much fun had by all.