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  • Archive for August, 2010

    A little crack in the blue…

    2010 - 08.29

    I was listening to the radio the other night and just happened to hear part of a exceptionally different rendition of the Talking Head’s song “Once in a Lifetime” on an album The Men I Love performed by an artist called Barb Jungr. Fascinating, I may have to track it down. She has also done albums featuring works of the likes of Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan. A very interesting woman.

    Not yet Spring but…

    2010 - 08.24

    I’ve decided that I need to take my holiday a little bit earlier than I originally planned. Thus I’m finishing up at the end of the week, and Helen and I going to catch up for a few days first up her way, then slip back down here, she’s wanting to catch up on some family business. We may also drop into Newcastle while I’m up that way and catch up with Pat if we feel so inclinded. Had been going to catch up with Marcus, but he’s still in Thailand “wheeling and dealing his new ‘condo'” but I’ll guess I’ll learn all about that when he’s back in the country. Short of that the only definite must is the traditional birthday shag! I’m falling back on “old timers” for such pleasurable occasions this year, and I don’t foresee any thing more permanent in the medium term future. I’m guessing that’s for the best or the Cosmos would be providing otherwise.

    Other than that I’ll try and get a bit done on some of the little projects for the house I’ve been pondering and get some games cleared off the list. Money’s tight, but that’s how I roll… 😉

    Something about Kate…

    2010 - 08.23

    And just when needed, the Cosmos provides an ear; thanks Kate, glad you got some chuckles too… 🙂


    2010 - 08.23

    Been a week with the new iPhone (4), very damn happy!

    Too many bricks and a wall…

    2010 - 08.22

    I don’t know why I would begin to think to the contrary, but the Runes were spot on yet again. Doors have closed, some things are lost, perhaps others were never really there. Intentionally or not there’s just nothing left to connect on. Either way suddenly I realise that there’s just no place for me in some realities…

    A reach across time & space…

    2010 - 08.11

    Alive or dead, physically present or not, those close to us exert amazing influence even without doing anything. To have been touched intimately either physically, emotionally or spiritually binds us to another far more than we may intend at the time. Even Time is not a barrier, although it seems to be the only salve to appease a soul’s hunger or desire and even then it seems we’re not necessarily proof. A remembered look, or touch, a breath across the neck, or hair across the stomach lingers for years, decades…

    Wolf’s been snacking…

    2010 - 08.11

    This morning I’ve woken up at “the hour of the wolf” feeling that I’ve a fist size hole in my guts and can’t stop missing Sammy. There’s no apparent trigger. Right now there seems to be nothing I want more than to roll over and just find anyone here in the bed to hold and hold and hold…

    I’m actually scared I’d squeeze the life out of whomever it was though…

    Beyond Poe…

    2010 - 08.10

    Went to see Inception tonight with an old friend whom I’ve not seen since the start of the year. Odd experience I must say on both accounts. This is one of those movies I feel the need to see again to get my head completely around and I feel as much confused as I enjoyed the film. Edgar Allan Poe would have been amused I think: A Dream within a Dream within a Dream. On a side note, I’ve begun to enjoy watching Leonardo Dicaprio in his more recent films when he’s not being portrayed as simply a handsome lead. This is also odd…

    A night of oddities!