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    Azathoth Defeated…

    2015 - 08.21

    Mark & I christened the Gaming Table tonight with our first game of Elder Sign. I’ve played the iPad version, and enjoyed it for several years, but only recently purchased the boardgame via Book Depository while it was reduced, along with one of the Expansions. We even won the game, which is more than I can say happens very often with the iPad version of the game. I think I’ve only won about 3 games in all my time playing it. That said, I’m always playing the harder Old Ones, so deserved to be punished.

    It was good to finally have a game on the new table with someone else and enjoy the experience of having an “arena” for the games! Here I am mulling over the next step (photo courtesy of Mark).

    Used Spell.

    This table was a project of mine earlier in the week. A $200 Board Gaming table top. At the moment it just needs the corners finished off nicely, and then after I’ll finish designing and building the lid. I engaged the assistance of my father with this little project for a bit of “Father / Son” time (and the extra pair of hands). We both enjoyed the afternoon putting it together although I’m pretty sure Dad didn’t “get it” until he saw it coming together. Anyway it was good to spend some time with him on a project and get to use my own power tools. Clearly I’m now out of Apprenticeship and am allowed to handle my own tools. 🙂

    Slap that SLES…

    2015 - 08.09

    This weekend I’ve finally finished off the Migration from SLES 11 SP3. I’ve finally succeeded in retiring the last SuSE Linux Enterprise Server box, and as it happens the last Virtualbox VM I still had in the environment. I’ve finally moved all virtuals across to VMWare. I’ve even managed to migrate an instance of my retired W2K8R2 Domain Controller over to VMWare from Virtualbox in case I need to have one up again for work / study purposes. This is basically an OS X and Linux environment completely now other than the few Virtual Windows 7 & a Windows 10 VM for assistance purposes when I get “those” calls…

    Anyway it’s been a good exercise building this DC from the ground up. It resolves internally and externally and also for my domain on the intenet. Pretty pleased with a job well done. Much appreciative of the excellent documentation by Peter Harrison at LHN.

    Sweet Sweet Desert Island…

    2015 - 08.05

    Three weeks ago I resigned my previous role. Overall I’ve seen a dramatic increase in my level of happiness and a commensurate decrease in my level of Depression through the last 3 weeks. Since I made that decision of getting out of my previous workplace’s negative environment, I’ve had a steady path onward to increasingly better feelings. I’ve started to enjoy activities again that previously were simply numb attempts at trying to feel better. Clearly it was the best choice I could have made. Nothing else was moving forward anymore.

    In fact I was losing ground again slowly but surely. At least so it seemed for the most part. Then when least expected but most needed: Epiphany! In an Ocean of Despair appears a place to drop anchor, take on Fresh Water and Sustenance. A Desert Island to Rejuvenate my Soul.

    Since then most things have fallen into place in a very positive manner. Financially things couldn’t be much better considering I’m not a man of savings. But preparation, good friends and the truth has meant that I’ve been able to position myself to begin weathering the storm at least starting with a good supply of hope and positivity. Already I’ve put in for one role, although it’s a bit early, it did seem one of those things where I needed to be willing to do what was required. Results will unfold in time. Nothing has to happen tomorrow.

    The Furbags are eating and so am I, and on a daily basis that’s what’s important right now.

    Fresh as a Polar Breeze…

    2015 - 07.12

    Well I finally feel as if I’m going to get some traction again. The increase in my AD dose is helping considerably. It’s allowing me to “feel positive” and re-evaluate some choices. A couple of decisions about what to do with some boat anchors in regard to my Depression have been made and now I am able to put some action into enacting those decisions.

    It’s currently bitterly cold outside, 2.4ËšC with an apparent temperature of -1.7ËšC but the world looks and feels fresh! Even the Furbags are “crisp” 🙂

    Life with Furbags…

    2015 - 06.19

    This can’t be normal.

    It’s 01:00, approximately 3.8ËšC (apparent temperature is -0.8Ëš), I’m naked, running about the house with a long cobweb brush, empty plastic milk container, turning lights on & off inside & out. The Back Door is wide open with freezing air rolling in like fog.

    I’m trying to coax a bat back outside because a certain Furbag (Chemoux) has bought it in and I can’t go back to sleep without getting it outside. Tiggakat & Chemoux think it’s a great laugh, they’re joining in on the “fun” chasing each other about the house.

    I am batsh*t crazy!

    Is that Sgt Peppers I Hear Somewhere…

    2015 - 05.24

    While I was shooting Macro, practising my Focus Stacking, Stefan was out with his Fisheye giving it a try. Apparently this is what my world really looks like at the moment. Got to confess, there’s days it feels like it too.

    Is that Sgt Peppers I hear somewhere?

    The Force is with Me…

    2015 - 05.08

    Well the week may not have been particularly cheery, motivating or anything much for that matter, but at least a long overdue delivery (5 weeks to get here) has finally arrived.

    Imperial Assault

    Imperial Assault now joins “the Cupboard of Craig’s Cardboard”! I must confess I can’t wait for the first game! There is however an even more anticipated arrival on it’s way, but more on that next week I hope.

    “Enfant Terrible”…

    2015 - 03.21

    Clearly Chemoux is catching birds too. She brought one in at about 06:00 that was the size of a mouse. Just like her “aunt” she likes to show off the hunting skills but not hand over the prey. Still bloody dark! How do they do it?

    A Happy little Worker Be(e)…

    2015 - 02.02

    Well Monday arrives, and so far things have started smoothly, awake as usual before the alarm, about 04:30 with Furbags on bed. So no committee meeting before getting out of bed. Can’t really adequately express right now how good THAT WAS for a change. So it’s Breakfast, Drugs, Coffee, make lunch and it’s off to work I go like a happy little worker bee.

    The Lucky Dip of Hope…

    2015 - 01.06

    Whatever I tell myself, it could be far far worse…

    At the very least I still have someone who will tell me that 🙂

    And sometimes I just need to practise patience and discipline (of the non BDSM persuasion)!