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    Thursday night ramblings…

    2010 - 04.08

    For a short week it’s been a very very LONG week! Can’t wait for 17:00 tomorrow.

    This week i’ve been filling two roles, and I’ve been dragged into more work politics than I’d like: I can’t wait to go back to being a “pleb” on the ground. I’m much happier forgetting the politics and getting back on the ground helping get REAL work done!

    Also this week I’ve started an exercise (or perhaps I REALLY mean exOrcise) regime. My last threesome left me feeling somewhat less than 100% up to par so I’ve found the motivation to try and regain my fitness level of 10 years ago. If nothing else at the moment it’s helping me sleep better at night. Seems Furbag is having trouble waking me up last few nights.

    Given that tomorrow is Friday, I may go for a quick trip to check out JB Hifi and see if LoRT Blue-Ray is there yet, given it was released on the 6th just gone. I’m still dubious about the worth given the lack lustre reviews, but somehow I don’t think I’ll be able to help myself…

    The Fellowship Fails…

    2010 - 04.01

    It seems that my wait for “Lord of the Rings” movie on Blue-Ray is going to have to wait longer, very disenchanting review for the April Release. Not only is it less than “Reference Quality”, but it’s ONLY the Theatrical Releases and no new extras. Feeling very disappointed, as I WAS going to buy this the day I could get my hands on it. Now I’ll only be renting it first and MAYBE buying it if I can find it cheap!

    Blowing STEAM…

    2010 - 03.02

    Fuckitty Fuck Fuck!!

    I hate STEAM. I have definitely just bought my last PC game ever I think. It’s bad enough that Supreme Commander 2 is Steam, but I can’t even fucking install the game for 2.5 more days, because EVEN THOUGH I’ve just puchased the media today (i.e. disc), I’m not able to install it because of STEAM!

    I know it’s not really STEAM’S fault per se, damned publishers too! They’ve finally killed the PC market for me with one of my favourite games… 🙁

    And I obviously DIDN’T REMEMBER this “..Certainly I won’t buy Supreme Commander 2 for the console, but if I’m going to be inconvenienced for legitimately buying a game I would previously genuinely have bought unseen, I think not! Now it’s got to the point for me that I have to wait and see what crap others have to put up with before I go out to buy a PC game.”! I didn’t wait, and, well I deserve the pain really for my own instant gratification.

    So you PAID for that…?

    2010 - 02.10

    Well glad I’m not big fan of buying PC games nowadays. I might have bought Mass Effect 2 or Bioshock 2 for the PC, and been really fucking pissed that I paid to be stuffed around: and those who don’t pay have all the fun and no inconvenience! Admittedly I won’t buy these games for PC, although I WILL buy them to play on xbox 360 quite cheerily. I’ll be looking very closely at what might be done to Supreme Commander 2 just prior to release and may actually wait a day or so now, and see what comes up on the internet from the early adopters! Certainly I won’t buy Supreme Commander 2 for the console, but if I’m going to be inconvenienced for legitimately buying a game I would previously genuinely have bought unseen, I think not! Now it’s got to the point for me that I have to wait and see what crap others have to put up with before I go out to buy a PC game. Seems that saves me a fair bit of grief nowadays. And let’s face it, those who know me, know I’ve not been shy of buying games over the years. I even own multiple copies of some like Starcraft, Warcraft and several others, so I think I can legitimately bitch about intrusive “protection schemes”.


    2010 - 01.24

    It seems that every time I visit someone who’s logged into Facebook at the time I’m even more astounded than the last with the amount of mindless Neo-nazism, other assorted Bigotry and poor spelling. It needs to be renamed to Farcebook. Interestingly certain Government impositions won’t be filtering such social perniciousness. Perhaps it’s a “good” thing that not every home has internet yet: and that’s as much comment as I think it warrants!

    Day of the Furbag…

    2009 - 12.25

    I generally find today and the following few frustrating for the hypocrisy. When it takes a commercialized “holiday” to “bring families together” it seems we as a society are generally lacking. However, I’m hosting the members today, so I’m treating today as the tribal gathering to lay offerings to the ancient hunting deity Furbag. Apparently however, my usual household “decorations” are unfitting, and must be discretely placed out of sight… *sigh*

    Anyway such is the way of some things. The Runes indicate that the Favour of Furbag should be high at the moment and the weather appears mild.

    On the Lamb…

    2009 - 12.17

    Furbag boycotted curfew last night, and I’m not a happy camper about it. Unfortunately with the current Food War (i.e. the current food strike), sending her to bed without supper is hardly punishment: So stalemated!

    In it’s Prime …

    2009 - 10.09

    It’s been a good week since I got back to BAU ata work, Transition now behind me! It could be quite intersting politically at work soon, but that might get documented in a later post.

    So a good week has been had, and to top it off, I managed to pickup Star Trek the Original Series: Season 2 on Blue-Ray. This is undoubtedly my favourite season and Amok Time is probably my all time favourite STOS episode.

    Furbag is a touch put out because I’ve moved her food bowl etc to the bathroom rather than the Study. It’s somewhat amusing to watch a cat so usually in control deal with the confusion. There’s no doubt the senility has yet to set in, so all will be well in her world soon again, however I’m sure I’ll pay though soon.

    The Taste of Freedom…

    2009 - 08.17

    I’m beginning to wonder whether I’m fast becoming redundant to the Furbag. Now it seems I’m only required as a source of food and a back warmer! I guess that means the door’s a success. I’m trying to snap a photo of her using the door, but it seems that is a bit tricky at the moment. Apparently she’s not interested in letting me SEE her use the door even though it’s obvious she is doing so.

    Revenge of Furbag…

    2009 - 07.23

    I had been planning on seeing Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince tonight, but Furbag’s had me up since 05:00 this morning, and I just didn’t think I would last the movie out. Even went into work at 07:00 because I’d decided it was useless to try and sleep past 6 this morning.

    Curse the Furbag!

    Can’t remember now if I’ve read this one in the series, but I know I’m not up for 2.5 hours of movie at this stage tonight.