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  • Archive for October, 2009

    In it’s Prime …

    2009 - 10.09

    It’s been a good week since I got back to BAU ata work, Transition now behind me! It could be quite intersting politically at work soon, but that might get documented in a later post.

    So a good week has been had, and to top it off, I managed to pickup Star Trek the Original Series: Season 2 on Blue-Ray. This is undoubtedly my favourite season and Amok Time is probably my all time favourite STOS episode.

    Furbag is a touch put out because I’ve moved her food bowl etc to the bathroom rather than the Study. It’s somewhat amusing to watch a cat so usually in control deal with the confusion. There’s no doubt the senility has yet to set in, so all will be well in her world soon again, however I’m sure I’ll pay though soon.

    Memory loss or Blindness…

    2009 - 10.03

    I just found a $20 note I left beside the iMac at least 7 weeks ago. I’m sure the Furbag must have pushed it out of sight on me!

    Speaking of Virtual Evolution…

    2009 - 10.03

    I just discovered Sim Earth on the Virtual Console for the Wii. Memories…

    Beware WOW & Second Life…

    2009 - 10.03

    Slipped out to catch Surrogates on Thursday, and was pleasantly surprised. I’d not call it a “Blockbuster” by anyone’s standards, but it was a thoughtful experience. Elements of I Robot (the film not book), the Matrix Trilogy, as well as The Island and Gattaca. A range of others also: the ideas portrayed are not exactly new, but it’s short and to the point so you’re not slugged for 2+ hours on something that’s really only worth a 90 minute film! It has it’s points…they’re not without relevant current examples of the potential.