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  • Archive for May, 2010

    Seek that found in the darkest…

    2010 - 05.15

    The untrodden ground of mind and heart
    Lit just barely through crack in the dark
    A sliver of light, a pool of warmth
    bathes that tiniest part of my Soul that
    until now ne’er been seen ‘cept by one
    Still, it may be that in days to come
    there yet be, perhaps another such one

    Life and Death unfold…

    2010 - 05.14

    I’m told tonight that Sammy won’t be shipped back she’s being buried in Italy. Susan and Gary have headed over since she’s no family anymore. There’s going to be a service in Melbourne for the rest of us which I’ll be notified soon. There’s been an interesting development for me though, apparently shortly before leaving she’d been diagnosed with Cancer (Lung) but refused treatment. It would seem now that her “retirement” may have been more than just that. It also makes sense why she cancelled our last couple of catchups, and sold up everything before she went. I choose to see now that there is some meaning in this where once I had none.

    At least I feel I’ll get some closure now and perversely a sense of relief. I’ve watched people die of cancer of several types including my uncle and several friends over the years. Sometimes it’s quick, but mostly it just seems painful, undignified and messy. I would much prefer never to have to see someone I care about have to go through that sort of death again, although I doubt that.

    I’ve been looking over the few things I have that she either gave me or I had as a result of my time with her years ago. It’s been taking me up and down like a yoyo over the last few days but tonight I feel a sense of some weight lifted. Now I just have to wait to say a formal “au revoir”.

    Frog on a lily

    2010 - 05.13

    Tough night, several dreams of losing people, not just Sammy, even the Furbag. Couple of them started out good though only to end badly. Seem more tired than when I went to bed last night! If it hadn’t been that I had so much work at work that had to be done to a timeline I think I’d still be curled up in a ball in bed

    I’m a frog in a pond jumping from lily to lily where each starts to sink after a short period of stability. I guess I’ll get to land again sooner or later.

    A Simple thanks…

    2010 - 05.12

    Thanks to all of you who have called, emailed, texted, and dropped in with *hugs*. I’m very appreciative. It’s wonderful to feel care from so many directions, you’re all important to me, and at times I’m wondering if I show it enough. I’m still no wiser than this time last night, but I’m tired and crawling into bed.


    2010 - 05.12

    How is it that she can survive and get through all she did and then be snatched by a fucking accident…

    And the Ground just opened up…

    2010 - 05.11

    I’ve just received a call tonight to tell me Sammy’s died due to some sort traffic accident in Rome or Munich, no one seems too sure yet. I feel the black closing in and I don’t know how I’m going to do this one…

    Brave New World…

    2010 - 05.10

    In the last few days I’ve dipped my feet into a very different world, one that I’d never anticipated. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt so clueless about how to be with others (in this case young children). I think I’m doing ok, but it’s all very unnerving, as I’m way out of my comfort zone.

    Still, I’ve learnt in my journey through the Cosmos that I’m presented with opportunities to learn the things I need to for each new step in life. If I grasp each I will move forward on the journey.

    As I learnt in early recovery, I just need the willingness to do whatever is required. As long as I have the willingness the Cosmos unfolds as it is meant to smoothly and my journey is forward to wherever I’m headed. Where I don’t know, but it will be interesting for certain, and ultimately positive and to my benefit.

    A moment in time…

    2010 - 05.09

    Worth the effort just to see the smile, even if I did blush (NOT)!

    Changing Landscapes…

    2010 - 05.08

    Strangest day shopping EVER! Not even close to the first change I thought I’d make to the house layout after settling in…

    Because I could…

    2010 - 05.06

    Migraine for fair chunk of night meant I stayed home today. Byron sent me an SMS asking about posting to a blog by iPhone so I thought I’d try the wordpress out since I run that on bombadil. It did require an update of WordPress to version 2.9.2 but it was about time for that anyway. I’ve not tried posting with a photo yet, and the geolocation seems to be taking a bit of tweaking. I have advised Furbag that she’s been updated too. She will no doubt test later.