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  • Archive for October, 2016

    The Value of Friends…

    2016 - 10.03

    Yesterday I spent in Geelong catching up with friends, it’s been a while, since I’ve caught up with Stephen & Julie and the first time I’ve met their son Connor. Depression isn’t the sort of condition that promotes making effort to visit people or friends under normal circumstances, but when they’ve lived 1000km or more away, it’s just not going to happen. Even keeping online contact is difficult. However it’s good to have then closer now, even if it’s still a 100km. At least that’s only an hour’s drive now.

    I think they’re new home is awesome and I’m sure once they actually have some time to settle in properly, it’s going to be even better. I’m sure both their son and the Furbag will have an absolutely splendid time in the warmer weather coming up. I really enjoyed the visit, and am looking forward to another one in a fortnight’s time for a family gathering in celebration of Connor’s first birthday.


    2016 - 10.02

    I hit the hay early last night, about 19:00 actually and slept twelve hours! The plan for today was going to be go to Geelong to catch up with some friends, but seems Stephen got called into work so I’ve discussed going next weekend instead.

    (Update) Plans changed again, decided I’ll still go down and catch up with Julie and Conner. Sometimes its just necessary to get up and go out when dealing with impending Depression and go and do something for others. So I’m packing gear in the car and heading off despite the look of the weather. Worst case scenario, there’s plenty of food in the bowls and I’ll deal with cranky Furbags tomorrow if I have to stay over in Geelong.

    Caught Napping…

    2016 - 10.01

    This morning consisted of oversleeping and thus being woken up by my Uncle rapping on the door. Damn I’m not living that one down in a hurry!

    So this morning’s exercise was fixing a fence that had a tree fall on it as a result of some of this week’s weather. This afternoon was an exercise in catching up on Survey’s and then planning a new Twelve Months Strategy for Shards of Arcadia. Heading to bed early tonight, still quite tired. Seems to be a common occurrence this week.