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    The Bed’s too big without … Who?

    2010 - 07.07

    Definitely getting over the cold now, not 100%, but getting close.

    With a couple of further days off last week attempting to recover from this cold, I managed to knock off Heavy Rain. I’m strongly considering buying a second hand PS3 provided I can find one at a reasonable price just to play this game again a few more times. I actually bought a new copy for $50 from JB Hifi which has sort of committed me to this, albeit at the appropriate time designated by the Cosmos.

    The emotional reframing I’ve been working on has also been progressing well too, with a good sense of stability returning and a sense of grounding also. There’s been a few tough patches, but the last few days have unfolded much more comfortably. It’s amazing that Albert Ellis’ RE(b)T is still a useful avenue for positive change. Couple that with revisiting a bit of Psychosynthesis and the medium to long term prognosis is very good.

    Let’s just say I’m feeling up for continued diet of non committal sex, whores and assorted toys. I guess I’m just prepared to acknowledge that I occasionally feel sad about an empty bed by 07:00.

    Identified Gap in Service…

    2010 - 06.29

    I think that the way this Winter is headed (cold and rain wise) I need to find someone to regularly share the bed all night: there’s just too much good rain going to waste…

    A page in the book of the tale of…

    2010 - 06.22

    Other than a cold, this week seems to be shaping up a much better week than last week, I think I may even have the motivation for play again!

    The Price of…

    2010 - 05.27

    Money can buy you sex, even very good sex, but it just can’t buy that wonderful feeling of lying in bed spooning someone you care about deeply… Pity! 🙁

    When Sex ISN’T the answer…

    2010 - 05.05

    Today is a much better day overall. Things have settled for me, the Committee (in my head) seems to have disbanded and I’m a little less “scatterbrained”. Oddly I think the focus on getting a couple of games finished and not chasing sex as an avoidance has worked! :S

    I actually think this is one Occasion when sex isn’t the answer!

    (did I just write that?)

    There comes a time…

    2010 - 05.02

    This week I plan finish Mass Effect 2 by the end of the week. In fact I will have no sex until I finish this game, so it better be before week’s end, or I’m going to be moving towards a sex free weekend! It’s been too long waiting to finish. I have at least 3 others to finish too. I may have to apply the same caveat to them also…

    Over Friday already…

    2010 - 04.30

    *sigh* I’m glad it’s Friday, I’m a bit tired of the Political Machinations going on at work lately. Looking forward to just getting out of the place tonight. Going to need some unwinding tonight…

    A quick Dock in Port…

    2010 - 04.10

    Fun night, bit of “hanging” around with “encouragement” by an old friend, although left to sleep alone and no breakfast duet… 🙁

    Still worked off the week’s work angst 🙂 And it rained last night and this morning, so a not too shabby start to a weekend.

    Did manage a quick slip into JB HiFi early last night before the show and picked up “9” on Blue-Ray. Should enjoy that tonight I think.

    Friday, not any other day…

    2010 - 04.09

    Seriously can’t wait for work to be over today. Runes are clear, so I’ve sent the word out, and looking forward to some dining, “de-stressing” and curling up in bed with someone tonight and breakfast in the morning.

    Thursday night ramblings…

    2010 - 04.08

    For a short week it’s been a very very LONG week! Can’t wait for 17:00 tomorrow.

    This week i’ve been filling two roles, and I’ve been dragged into more work politics than I’d like: I can’t wait to go back to being a “pleb” on the ground. I’m much happier forgetting the politics and getting back on the ground helping get REAL work done!

    Also this week I’ve started an exercise (or perhaps I REALLY mean exOrcise) regime. My last threesome left me feeling somewhat less than 100% up to par so I’ve found the motivation to try and regain my fitness level of 10 years ago. If nothing else at the moment it’s helping me sleep better at night. Seems Furbag is having trouble waking me up last few nights.

    Given that tomorrow is Friday, I may go for a quick trip to check out JB Hifi and see if LoRT Blue-Ray is there yet, given it was released on the 6th just gone. I’m still dubious about the worth given the lack lustre reviews, but somehow I don’t think I’ll be able to help myself…