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    Day of the Furbag…

    2009 - 12.25

    I generally find today and the following few frustrating for the hypocrisy. When it takes a commercialized “holiday” to “bring families together” it seems we as a society are generally lacking. However, I’m hosting the members today, so I’m treating today as the tribal gathering to lay offerings to the ancient hunting deity Furbag. Apparently however, my usual household “decorations” are unfitting, and must be discretely placed out of sight… *sigh*

    Anyway such is the way of some things. The Runes indicate that the Favour of Furbag should be high at the moment and the weather appears mild.

    If: it’s only a very very problematic word…

    2009 - 10.25

    I never, never fail to be amazed at the strange twists of the Cosmos. As usual, just when I think I have a firm grip on reality, the Cosmos demonstrates immediately to me that it’s all precarious and can flip on the draw of a rune so to speak…

    I thought I had a comfortable handle on certain things being the way they were, and that was the state of play. A fantasy, was comfortably just that: a fantasy. Warm, fuzzy, sexy, dirty and accepted as just that!  Then someone told me something that fairly fucking blew me away.  There could have been a different reality, feelings, at least some of them were reciprocal.

    I’m rambling I know.  It’s very rare for me to feel so instantly attracted to someone so completely in all ways, let alone in the first few instants that I meet them. It’s only happened once before in fact. Those feelings still hold too,  about fifteen years later. But I have never been given a straight answer by her, indeed Barb is a different story altogether. But in both cases, a Fantasy might have been if only the time and place were different.

    In this case now though things are a little different. This time though things were stated a little more clearly. *Sigh* I’d been comfortable that things were one sided, and all was right in the Cosmos. People were where people were and it was all as it should be.

    Now don’t get me wrong, People are obviously where they are meant to be, it’s just that I KNOW that had the time and place been different some things I desire may have come to pass, whereas in “this” reality much must remain in Fantasy, and I accept limits on what may be experienced. I may lust, but not consumate.  I may be close but I’ll never be close enough either physically or emotionally or spirtually. I’ll never feel her heat or warm embrace.  We’ll never just lie in bed entwined and listening to the pattering and look out the window at the rain on a lazy morning

    How is this any different from the way it was just a couple of days ago you may ask? There is only one difference, a hope  and desire turned to fact, the perversity of the Cosmos and Chronos have given me a glimpse of another possible reality.  I’m glad I had the glimpse, it’s made me happy in an odd sort of way,  but there’s no doubt it’s shaken me. It has been a few years since I had the rug pulled out from under me. So be it, I’ll recover, and my Cosmic guidelines are clear, which makes getting through such much easier.

    Make what sense of all this as best you can, it’s a mere reflection of my scattered thoughts at the moment. I’m just that little bit crazy at the moment…

    Fall from Grace in all directions…

    2009 - 10.18

    Well for a fortnight where I was going to financially behave myself, I certainly fell in a heap this weekend.

    First there were some additions to the “toy drawer” for Friday night’s little escape, then today there was another little crumble when I came home with two external drives (USB), one terabyte drive for a new multimedia store, and the other a 320 Gig to backup the iMac. Both are working swimmingly. I picked up a cheap arse keyboard and some blank DVD’s at the same time, so all in all a total breakdown of resolute saving this fortnight!

    However I’ve managed to not be burned by JB Hifi this week. 🙂

    Long way to 111 yet…

    2009 - 09.07

    Well the odometer has rolled over another kilometre in my life, although I confess to not really noticing any difference these days when they do. It was nearly a Shagless Birthday, but the Cosmos merely wanted to tease me I think: a call late Saturday night just after one guest left preceded an unexpected but welcome visit from an old friend I don’t see much these days. Apparently she was slipping into Ballarat for Father’s Day, and just gave me a quick call to see if I was still up. Several hour’s later my faith in the Cosmos was once again confirmed. An unintended Birthday present gratefully accepted. Thanks J.

    Top that off with an ADO today, finishing F.E.A.R. Files meaning yet another xbox 360 finished and all in all I call it a nice long weekend.

    Some more tangible presents were in the form of the below:

    Cthulhu RP dice

    Cthulhu RP dice that are luminous!

    Thanks Mr Awesome!

    New Boardgame

    New Boardgame Middle-Earth Quest

    Thanks Furbag

    Hookers & Cat food…

    2009 - 07.22

    Perception, it’s really the lynchpin between the Objective and the Subjective.

    There’s no doubt I wasn’t socialized very effectively. I’ve spent the bulk of the last 20 years living by myself, alone except for Furbag. This has been my choice, yet a large number of people seem to believe that there’s something wrong about that choice. The majority of people seem uncomfortable with the idea that a person might be genuinely happy without a partner or family. It seems, in general, that this idea is stranger to the young than the middle aged or more senior, so I suspect the process of socialization has much to contribute to this belief. It’s only as you become older and more experienced, that you see the fallacies of such tenants.

    Popular Western, and for that matter many other cultures, would have us believe that one must always have a partner of sorts to resolve social situations, problems, raise children and basically represent the pillars of Western Society.

    Yet, so many of us have either separated, serialized our catastrophic monogamous relationship mechanisms or simply accepted a failed configuration as a given; but stick with it rather than go alone. Many appear to have children irresponsibly, caring not for how they will provide, and what they will provide to kit such offspring for the world of the future. Alone is somehow “failure”.

    Statistically people have more failed relationships than healthy ones. Those that choose to stay with the model have, I believe, become victims to a large degree a set of unrealized expectations. Yet such choices are still held as desirable rather than the single choice.

    There’s no doubt some disadvantages to choosing to live alone and choosing selectively in a considered way when to engage in a “partnership”. There’s arguments on both sides about the financial aspects of such choices, although it’s fairly clear that for women, generally it’s a less affluent choice. Society still financially rewards women in general much less than the equivalent male situation. Women leaving relationships in general report a reduced standard of living and income, while men apparently enjoy an increased! I believe that in general financially I’d be better off with someone financially contributing to a partnership, but of course there would be trade offs. In general I do believe I pay for the privilege of living alone.

    As to company, for the most part I suppose Furbag fulfills some needs in that regard, but all said and done, she’s still feline, not human: conversations are generally one way, and resolutions consistently one-sided(and not mine). I admit to on occasion missing company, not strongly enough to consider myself feeling lonely, but there’s no doubt times I yearn for intimate companionship on the spiritual level, not just the sexual. And then I consider the price.

    I don’t want children. Never have, never will. I don’t believe in marriage, never have, never will. Although it’s nice to have someone in the bed at times, I only want that sometimes. I’d like to have those wonderful evening conversations that are portrayed with such repetition in mainstream remedial relationship indoctrination, but unfortunately they seem to be mainly myth. Sammy, has probably been the “best fit” for me that any person has ever been, and yet we can’t allow ourselves to blur those lines. Our fear of losing what we do have spiritually, and sexually for those brief times we’ve allowed ourselves together, is too great for either of us. Now the Cosmos has taken that option away anyway.

    I’m obviously just selfish and a crazy old catman. Somehow Hookers & Catfood just keep coming out in front. 🙂

    Who stole the ground from under me…?

    2009 - 07.04

    It’s 06:30 and I feel in chaos, perhaps a little insane. I can’t sleep, and my brain is flip flopping like a fish on the shore after being dropped off the hook… it’s almost like I was treading water at sea and suddenly the ocean’s gone and I’m looking down the abyss.

    Less than half an hour ago I dropped Sammy at the Station so she could head back home. I picked her up last night just after 19:00, we had Dinner, came home to Play, then snuggles and chat in bed after. It’s the chat after that’s tossing my spot in the Cosmos to and fro. Sammy’s “officially” retired.

    I’d love to retire at 48, but alas that’s not to be for me. However that’s not so much the issue, I have never been a “customer” although I’ve been a lucky recipient. She’s given up the Studio, sold her flat, given a heap of paraphenalia away (yes I scored something), and she’s off to Europe, the UK and parts of Asia for the next couple of years… She’s not even sure she’ll come back this time, it’s not necessarily just a holiday. She’s looking to move on completely.

    We’ve not seen each other all that regularly since we met up again after all those years, but there is a bond that’s rare, and difficult to ignore. We’ve shared some experiences that bind you together for a lifetime, even when you’re physically apart most of the time: on a spiritual level. We’ve both seen and done things people should never have to do, and come out of it scarred but with our lives intact, and opportunities for redemption and growth that are rare. I can honestly say I’ve not felt such a loss (her leaving) in modern memory. I wouldn’t call it unrequited love, neither of us have been willing to commit in a solid way for various reasons since we reconnected. But the floor is gone, and I actually don’t know what the fuck to do…

    At least I got to kiss her in the Rain one last time!

    No Sex Please We’re … GAMERS!

    2009 - 07.02

    This is definitely a worry. My world is obviously crumbling…

    A cold windy night…

    2009 - 06.29

    Yes it’s been a while, but life is rolling on, albeit slowly. I’ve been suffering a several bouts of depression over the last few months, more so than normal: I guess health issues are pecking away at me: the vultures are beginning to flock. The last six months of varying health issues, have no doubt exacerbated my irregular but consistent periods of depression.

    I’ve lived with Depression since my teens, possibly younger, although professionals differ on whether children experience clinical depression. Either way, there’s no doubt I’ve had to live with it prior to, then through active addiction and also through recovery. I won’t say that it’s been much easier to deal with it the last 19 years, but at least I’m experiencing it’s full intensity and surviving without “anesthetizing” it. Still that doesn’t mean it’s fun, nor does it mean it’s unsurmountable. It’s just, well “depressing”! 🙂

    Hopefully I’m moving out of this period now, and things can look up. Normally it’s about August / September that I experience it at it’s worst, but somehow I’m hoping it’s struck early this year, and I’ll be in for the rest of the year looking upwards psychologically and emotionally.

    It’s been eight months since my last relationship ended, and I’m starting to loosen up the armor again. I generally have a rule of not less than 12 months in between “liasons” outside of extenuating circumstances. Specifically there’s no manifest reason to do so yet. I don’t intend engaging in anything other than shallow and unadulterated sex for several months yet.

    Work, Play, Work, Play…

    2009 - 06.03

    Last few weeks have been flat out at work, and it seems that all I’ve had the interest in (outside of the usual sex, sex, and more sex), is watching video and playing games. However, that said, there’s been at least one “achievement”: I finished F.E.A.R. 2 on the xbox 360! Just 2 more games to finish and I can buy another one.

    On another front, I discovered a fascinating show: Fringe. Probably a bit behind the times with this one, compared to some others, but it’s definitely got me hooked, in much the same way that Dexter entrapped me. It’s a pleasant surprise to see John Noble in a role again. I’m not sure why I don’t come across him in roles, other than Denethor (LoTR). He’s really very talented and a joy to watch. He literally radiates the emotive and psychological essence of a role. He absolutely cracked me up with the following couple of lines:

    Walter: “This man’s been shot in the head!”
    Peter: “Is that a problem?”
    Walter: “Of course it’s a problem!”

    I’ve also been trying (and I DO mean trying) to watch Dollhouse by Jos Whedon. Normally I’m a big fan of Jos, but I’m struggling with this one. I cursed the executives that instigated the demise of Firefly. But I’m not sure I’d be so indignant about this one. I’ve watched 3 episodes so far, and I confess to wishing each episode to end upon reaching halfway through. The more I see her in action, and I like to watch her in action as she’s quite attractive, the more I am convinced that Eliza Dushku is less than acceptably talented as an actor. She just plays (I suspect anyway) Eliza Dushku! Every character I see her play is Faith all over again. So, short of the “eye candy” factor, the interest has got tired quickly, and the overall story is unlikely to have time to grab me: if I get to episode 6, I’ll be surprised. The concept has merit, but it’s lacking the character interaction and “chemistry” of his other creations. Perhaps he needs to move on from his stable of actors for lead roles and seek a new range of ingredients and create a new meal. This one lacks flavour.

    First “outing” in a while…

    2009 - 04.26

    Went to the Albion St house warming tonight. Apparently my “headgear” was what was expected of me, dammit, I didn’t disappoint. I’m sure there’s pictures on someone’s facebook somewhere. Not sure whether that’s good or bad! Justine would have been happy though. Anyway first night out in a while, but definitely a night of fun and frivolity had by all: and some too much! But anyways, no harm done, and the worst will be a few hangovers carried by some when they wake in the morrow (whenever that may be).