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    Who’s Been Eating My Star Stones…

    2014 - 11.01

    The first night over, and the new addition Chemoux spent the night on the bed. The incumbent i.e. Tigga decided to spend the night downstairs. However this morning we seem to be making slight progress. The newcomer is quite comfortable and happy. The incumbent is taking some time to warm up to her housemate. I agree it’s not perfect or love at first sight for Tigga, but I feel positive that she will be more receptive over time than Granny Baggsy was towards Tigga. Introductions are no doubt helped by Rainy Weather today which means there is motivation to stay inside for Tigga. She tried the indignant “I’m staying outside until that ‘thing’ has gone”, but cool wet weather has motivated her to settle for being indignant inside.

    Who Thinks They’re Sleeping in My Bed…

    2014 - 10.31

    Well Chemoux has arrived, and so far it’s not World War 3! That said there have been a few hisses through the window. At present it’s the Mexican stand-off with “I’m outside, you’re not!” Then there’s the glare at me accompanied by “What the hell!” But so far, Chemoux seems happy enough in her new surroundings. I think she’s happy, just not sure how happy a certain Tiggakat is about the arrangement. If there’s some acceptance, I’m sure I’ll feel more relaxed about the whole change much quicker.

    And Then There Were Two…

    2014 - 10.30

    I became possessed yesterday, and was drawn to the R.S.P.C.A. mysteriously. I seem to have left becoming the pet of yet another Death Row Moggie…

    My idea was that I would give a “Senior” a home for her last years of retirement, but I was mesmerised by Chemoux who will be coming home on Friday. There’ll be some photos by the weekend. I suppose that means she will need a blog too!

    Maybe this should be “And Then There Were Three…”!

    Week 43…

    2014 - 10.25

    Well another weekend has come around, and yet another week of work has passed. A busy week but it hasn’t exactly dragged, so things are certainly feeling better overall. I think I shall slip off to the wetlands about 500 metres away just before sunrise and see what little feathered critters I can photograph early this morning. I did go over for a scope on Wednesday night, just to get a feel for the light in the evening, and I think the morning should be interesting too. Tiggakat is out and about after a night on the doona, things must have cooled down a bit for her overnight. I got the head massage about 4:00 this morning, but for once I think I’d slept solidly right through the night without waking, so it didn’t feel quite so harsh. It’s been a big week.

    Not Quite “Night of the Iguana”…

    2014 - 10.20

    While out in the back yard tonight I was fortunate to see a Blue Tongue Lizard. I’d just walked up the path towards the back half of the block when I turned around to see Tigga wandering up the path behind me in her usual “he needs to be supervised” manner. Then I noticed her stop with that look of “well, there’s something I haven’t seen before“.

    I followed her line of sight and realised I’d just walked past a Blue Tongue Lizard. It was probably a teenager, as it was barely three centimetres in diameter and less than 30cm in total length. It was also moulting, and trying to catch a last bit of the evening sun.

    I was amused to watch her approach it and then jump back about a metre after it hissed at her and poked out its big blue tongue! I had hopes of ducking back inside to grab the a camera, but I’d not moved more than about 3 metres before it took shelter under the old cubby that’s in the back yard.

    Clearly I will have to keep my eyes open for another opportunity. I have to say I’ve not seen one up close out here for a number of years, and I’ve certainly not seen evidence of one on the property since I bought it five years ago.

    Lost in Time & Space…

    2013 - 10.03

    I look and it’s been almost a year since I last updated. No surprise really, this last year’s been fairly terrible for the most part. Nothing in the tragic: no house burned down, flooded out, hit by meteor or other completely earth shattering. Just the slow hard grind of depression. This is such an insidious condition, sapping everything from life day after day after day.

    Work has been impacted severely during the last year in particular, although admittedly it’s been seeing the impact for several years now. I’ve come to the realisation though, that there’ve been two major dysfunctions going on for me over the last few years. Firstly and most likely foremost, my Depression. Secondly I’ve come to see that as far as work goes, I’m also suffering from Burn Out. Couple that with depression, and it’s a fairly toxic combination. It might sound strange that I’m experiencing Burn Out AND Depression, but the distinction has become important in trying to combat the deterioration of my work situation. Clearly I’ve been experiencing significant Depression for most of my Teens, and all of my Adult life. For the most part this has not been treated. But over the last year, I’ve been making inroads, albeit slowly! I have achieved some major milestones, as far as certain responsibilities that I’d been ignoring for a few years, i.e. Tax, and debts. I’m certainly not debt free, but I’ve been making some inroads over the last two years, and in particular the last 12 months. Tax is up to date, and I’m still working on the debt situation, moving forward rather than backward. However, although my material situation is settling, my psychological disposition is still “in Flux”.

    Hopefully over the next month, I’ll get a few more aspects of life stabilised and achieve some more forward momentum. It’s so difficult to help people who don’t suffer from it (depression) understand how it works, or rather the way things DON’T work! For most people, it’s “just a matter of will”. Unfortunately that approach would never have got me clean and in Recovery, and it certainly doesn’t seem to work for Depression either! There are times I think that I need the Old Furbag to get out of the ground and smack me about again. Tigga doesn’t do a bad job, but she’s yet to develop that true superiority complex that only an “A” Grade Furbag can exercise. Still, she’s working on it, and me. She’ll get there.

    Hopefully now I’ll be updating again a bit more frequently. I need to get my writing and photography happening. Speaking of which, I’m configuring my photography blog, and it will be getting it’s first load of content up hopefully this weekend. The blog itself is there, but until the content is on it, I’ll wait before putting the link up here.

    A Sad End…

    2012 - 11.04

    I’m sorry to say that the old Furabg won’t be updating any more. Unfortunately she was taken by a couple of dogs this afternoon. Thankfully it looks like she was literally caught napping and probably didn’t know what happened.

    It’s fair to say she’s been taking it tough the last seven months, clearly not taking to the new addition all that well. She was begrudgingly sharing her space and human. She is now permanently “snoozing” under her favourite Pine Tree in the back yard. It truly is a sad day, and the end of an era. I’ve had her for seventeen years now, and it’s been an interesting period of my life. I’d say I had a closer relationship with Baggins than most other cats I’ve had over the years.

    The blog will stay up as a memorial to the many years of pleasure and punishment that the Furbag gave me. No doubt Tigga will continue some of the hilarity of Human vs Feline.

    RIP Furbag

    RIP Baggsy

    RIP – Furbag

    Thy Time is now Two Score & Nine

    2012 - 09.06

    It’s hard to believe that it’s been mid February since the last update. Much has happened, but not necessarily much worth telling I guess! Back in the End of March I had a new arrival:Tigga. Yes another “Death Row Moggie”. At the time she was 3 months old, making her now about 8 months old. It seemed time for Furbag to have a successor lined up. Needless to say I’ve had to pay the price for my folly there!

    Looking Good

    Tigga in all her Glory

    For just over five months I’ve had to put up with a different Furbag; one that seems to be invested with an extra personality that I don’t recall before. I’ll grant that after 5 months she’s started to mellow a smidgeon, but only to the point of tolerating Tigga on the bed with me as the “Berlin Wall”. I’m sure Furbag will have much to complain about on her blog.

    Work’s been very depressing over the last 6 months, I feel like I’m the Protagonist in “The System of Dr Tarr & Professor Fether” suddenly realising who’s locked up and who’s not…

    On the plus I’ve been reinvigorating my environment and infrastructure by the purchase of a few domains of my choice, and moving my whole virtual environment from Xen on Linux to VirtualBox on Mac OS X. So the Virtual Environment of a year ago is no more. I now have the whole “andulain.net” domain being serviced by 5 servers running on a Mac Mini with 16 Gig of RAM, an SSD (60 Gig) & a 750 Gig (7200) HDD. There’s still room for 2 more servers, and the whole thing is not missing a beat so far. I was so impressed, I have retired the iMac I’ve had for four and a half years, and replaced it with another Mac Mini with 8 Gig of RAM. Currently I’ve lent the iMac to my niece to bring her over to the dark side.

    In my usual tradition I saw one year out and another one in with the mandatory shag, so yes another year (birth) has come & gone, nearly 17 of which the Furbag has shared with me.

    Partners come & go, but the pussy stays it seems…

    Infrastructure spring cleaning…

    2011 - 09.17

    You may have noticed a delay when accessing the site, hopefully the redirect is working for both this site and Furbag. I’ve been implementing a few internal updates going on within the infrastructure here lately. One was a new firewall, and a shifting of DNS server and Wireless. Some of these necessitated some configuration changes for things to continue to work.

    Old Bombadil has gone quiet, but Goldberry is now humming away…

    2011 - 06.06

    Well finally finished the move of the servers from physical to virtual. The blogs & web were the last to be moved, having done the mail over the weekend. Let’s just say there was more involved in getting the blogs moved over. I hadn’t forgotron all the initial configuration that needed to be done, but let’s say my “MySQL” is rusty!

    From an outward appearance, all looks smooth since it’s simply a matter of changing firewall ports forwarding after all is said and done on the back end. I doubt anyone would have noticed blogs or email offline for the few seconds it took to change ports / IP addresses; after spending the time doing the reconfiguring after moving data from the physical to the virtual. I’d originally considered keeping the SLES 10.1 and trying a physical to virtual migration. But after thinking about it for a while, and the SLES 11.1 seeming quite stable I opted to go the new install path and migrate data for mail, apache & what FTP there was available.

    Anyway, Furbag doesn’t seem to have noticed any problems, so guessing all has gone smoothly…

    So as the title says: “Old Bombadil has gone quiet, but Goldberry is now humming away…” 🙂