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    Stack It On…

    2015 - 05.03

    Normally a post on photography would be going on Shards of Arcadia but in this instance I’ll put it here for the moment as it’s more a summary, and I think I will be adding a “Techniques” page to Shards of Arcadia when I want to expand on it.

    I suppose the important point for me today about this is that I was reading some photography sites, and stumbled across a technique for enhancing the Depth of Field (DoF) for Macro & Landscape shots. Now this technique’s probably no surprise to the more experienced Macro shooter than myself, but I was blown away by what it will offer me. I’ve struggled with how to achieve “maximum” DoF with my Macro shots, and have often been wondering how others achieve considerably better results. Was it the gear? Well no, they were using gear of a similar calibre. Was it far more light? Once again not particularly. I’ve bought a flash ring and although it helped to some degree, it brought with it some other problems even though it resolved the difficulty of lack of light and using small aperture. It seems that there’s a technique / process that’s called by a number of names, but I found it first as “Focus Stacking”.

    Without going into a too technical diatribe that most of you will be completely bored with, I’ll simply outline the process. Some of you may be familiar with High Dynamic Range (HDR) Photography. It produces a striking image by the crafting together of multiple shots of the same scene or subject at different exposures, to create a composite image with a greater dynamic range overall than any single original shot. It creates some very powerful and wonderful shots. “Focus Stacking” is conceptually similar in that you take a number of shots of the same scene but shift the focus point ever so slightly for each individual shot. Once again software is used to “composite” all these shots into one image that reflects the multiple focus points thus representing a greater DoF.

    So what you say? Well for those of us who enjoy Macro photography which is probably most notable for it’s “detail”, it’s a boon! You’re able to present the viewer with an image which has more of the subject in focus and more of that interesting detail to be seen. Of course outside of the software to combine the images, not much is really needed to make this happen. However to do it extremely well, I see a number of additional pieces of hardware coming down the track. More on that later.

    I’m excited!

    Brain Fade…

    2015 - 04.27

    Given that I’ve not been able to do much for the last week or so, and the only outing I’ve had in about 10 days was with Stefan weekend before last. Nothing much to write about this weekend, other than I’ve spent a few days ironing the wrinkles out of the Virtual Infrastructure changes. At this stage Web and Email servers are finished, the old windows file server has been decommissioned and the requisite files and network share been remapped in group policy to keep what’s left of the windows Virtual Environment happy.

    So just so that it can be seen that I have been out at least once in the last fortnight, I’ve attached a photo taken by Stefan while we were at the Trenthan falls and I was puzzling over which switch turned on the remote I was about to use since I’d not used it in months and had forgotten without looking.


    Yes tragic isn’t it!

    Wait was that SLES Slipping Out the Door…

    2015 - 04.22

    Well it’s finally time to say goodbye to SuSE. I’ve been a staunch supporter since Version 6.3 but SLES 12 has finally put me off the distro completely. After messing about for a couple of days trying to get it to do what I want I’ve decided to move over to Centos 7. So far it’s only been the Apache server that’s been migrated, but the mail server and the DNS will be done over the next week or two. I think the most annoying thing was that when I was trying to migrate the Mail Server SuSE just have in the administration documentation. There’s currently no supported configuration modules for dovecot in SLES 12. But they took out Cyrus! Argh!

    Anyway Centos all the way now. And to be honest, I can’t say I feel particularly sorry. I’ll take the bagging from a few mates for finally seeing the light, and hope I don’t have to see the SLES again.

    I’ve also configured an OS X server for the wiki at home now. This pleases me too.

    Maintenance Time…

    2015 - 04.12

    Well no photography this weekend, been trying to stave off this cold that keeps “pecking” away at me. Weather’s been a little cool for me to feel comfortable about wandering about the countryside even if it was going to be both fun and productive. There’s alway next weekend. I did notice a few fungi in the backyard, so maybe they’re going to be early this year. It’s not been much of a summer from a weather perspective.

    While I have spent much of the weekend on other technologies, I have at least done a bit of maintenance, and checked all the gear. Lenses have been cleaned, exteriors of lenses and cameras brushed clean, batteries charged up, and flash batteries checked too.

    On the software side, updates have been applied, firmware checked on the cameras and flashes, and there’s been a bit of a clearing out of some old photos not really coming up to scratch now days. I also made sure that backups are up to date, and that there’s an extra one for offsite.

    I’ve collected receipts for tax time as that will be coming up on me quickly, and I really need to be motivated to get that in early.

    Virtually Transitioning…

    2015 - 04.12

    So as it stands, the Furbags and I have spent most of the weekend around home and keeping warm.

    I took the opportunity to do a couple of things in the study I’ve been waiting for some “significant” reason to make the time to do. Rebuilt a lot of the virtual environments on VMware. I bought a copy of Fusion for the iMac, then decided I liked it so much I could make use of the “Pro” version. The additional features, at least a lot of them were worth having it seemed to me. I’ve been a supporter of Virtualbox for many years, and was quite happy with it most of the time, but every so often it’s bitten me in the arse in some way or another. The Server environment is still sitting on Virtualbox, but perhaps not for much longer. There’s need for some adjustments and that may just entail using VMware for the next incarnation.

    As much as I’ve been a fan of Virtualbox with it’s consistency across platforms, even to the point of using it over HyperV in my work environment, things have started to creep in that have left me wondering whether it was time to look at other options. So far I don’t feel I’ve lost anything, and gained quite a bit.

    Lazy Sunday Morning…

    2015 - 03.15

    Over a year ago I shutdown the Windows PC and I’ve not used it for that period. Everything I do I do in OS X now, and Linux. The occasional use of Windows can be dealt with in a Virtual via Virtualbox. So today I’ve fired up the Windows PC, given it the updates, updated a couple of applications on it and then created a Virtual HD of it to pull into Virtual Box on the iMac. The hardware itself is going to a friend, except the HDDs. The SSDs are becoming drives in the MacMinis using the second HDD kits I bought some time ago from ifixit.

    Uploaded some more shots to Alamy and just have to wait for them to be passed through QA.

    Work is seemingly more insane by the day. Once upon a time you could only notice the sanity factor slipping every few weeks, or roughly a month at a time. Now it’s noticeable day by day. I wandered into work the other morning and there was a guy flaked out on the desk as if he was dead. I thought he was for a minute. Then I noticed him breathing. He was in a locked room, so I couldn’t do any more, I’d banged on the door and rang the phone. He was that soundly asleep I couldn’t wake him. His manager apparently thinks that is ok. *shrug* That’s the sort of thing that tells you the place is batshit crazy. But I’ve made it through the week, and relaxed all weekend so far.

    Other than the above, not much news. I think Chemoux has a cold, she’s sneezing a lot last couple of days. :S

    Black Gold…

    2015 - 02.28

    Yesterday my new Lens the Nikkor AF Micro 200mm F4D IF-ED arrived. I’ve yet to do anything other than pull it out of it’s case. Hopefully today I shall get a chance with it. I think this will be the last Macro lens I buy for quite some time.

    There’s Glass and then there’s GLASS…

    2015 - 02.24

    I’m still awaiting the shipping of my Nikkor AF Micro 200mm F4D IF-ED. From all that I’ve read, I’ve found only one less than positive review, and I’ve read bucket loads.

    I’m chuffed about the price, it’s a bargain at the price, and from what I can gather, not all that easy to come across. Foolish me ordered right at the start of the Chinese New Year Holidays, so today is really their first day back to business I guess. *sigh*

    This is my first expensive “Big Player” lens. Not that I don’t have some excellent quality lenses, but I’m keen to see what a Class A lens is really like to use and the subsequent results. It’s my hope this is the last Macro lens I buy in a very long time. I’ve had my big spend for the year. Now it’s time to start stacking it away and see what I can achieve by the end of the year.

    Head Up and Looking Forward…

    2015 - 01.11

    Well another weekend is coming to an end, I didn’t get out for a shoot this weekend, but did do some work towards the business. As long as I’m doing something each day towards preparing or growing the business I’ll be satisfied that I’m making progress towards that freedom down the track.

    Caught up with a few friends by phone & email, which I make an effort to do each Saturday morning usually. But now I’ll spread that out a bit more given that I’m scheduling quite a few of the maintenance tasks for the business such as ensuring the preparation of stock and the supplying of stock to the various sites I’ve now got to manage. Other preparations have gone well too, but they’re not to be actioned for quite some time yet.

    I’ve also decided that the Camera shop downtown does the best prints of all my options here: Fuji processing and it really “pops”. So that will be my Stock choice for the orders; despite the increase in cost, I think it will be a better product for the purchasers from the Etsy Store.

    On the Bank with My Feet Dangling in the Stream…

    2015 - 01.05

    Well I took another step towards testing the waters from the photography business side of things today. I signed up to Alamy.com today and submitted some images to the Quality Control Assessment in the hope of getting a portfolio of stock photos up there. Hopefully I’ll get through that and be able to put some stock up and see how it goes there too.

    They are one of, if not the largest Stock Photo suppliers on the internet. If I can start making an inroad there, something may happen in the next twelve months. I’m not expecting to make sales yet, but these are the avenues for sales in the sort of work I’m planning to sell. Anything that comes from this for the first year will go straight to debt reduction. Anything that can reduce my need for my current job is a good thing.