Over a year ago I shutdown the Windows PC and I’ve not used it for that period. Everything I do I do in OS X now, and Linux. The occasional use of Windows can be dealt with in a Virtual via Virtualbox. So today I’ve fired up the Windows PC, given it the updates, updated a couple of applications on it and then created a Virtual HD of it to pull into Virtual Box on the iMac. The hardware itself is going to a friend, except the HDDs. The SSDs are becoming drives in the MacMinis using the second HDD kits I bought some time ago from ifixit.
Uploaded some more shots to Alamy and just have to wait for them to be passed through QA.
Work is seemingly more insane by the day. Once upon a time you could only notice the sanity factor slipping every few weeks, or roughly a month at a time. Now it’s noticeable day by day. I wandered into work the other morning and there was a guy flaked out on the desk as if he was dead. I thought he was for a minute. Then I noticed him breathing. He was in a locked room, so I couldn’t do any more, I’d banged on the door and rang the phone. He was that soundly asleep I couldn’t wake him. His manager apparently thinks that is ok. *shrug* That’s the sort of thing that tells you the place is batshit crazy. But I’ve made it through the week, and relaxed all weekend so far.
Other than the above, not much news. I think Chemoux has a cold, she’s sneezing a lot last couple of days. :S