Well it’s been a fairly positive week. Five days back at work, and a plan for the next few weeks. I’ll work from home alternate days, basically on BAU, it’s easy to track so keeps people happy. I’m feeling better within myself again, I certainly have a bit of positivity back. I’ve been pretty tired after the week, but that’s ok, sleeping much better now. So far I’m only waking up about once in the middle of the night. For me that’s fantastic progress. I also seem to be getting to sleep quicker.
I’ve not done much with the Photography over the last few weeks. But I’m going to swing back into it over the next week or so. I just need to get back into the routine of work again first. Currently that’s one of my prime tasks, once that’s back in tune, I should have the available energy to devote to my other goals.
I’m hoping to pick up the Nikon D810 soon, possibly within the next 6 weeks. The price is creeping up so I’d rather get it sooner than later.