No worries with the xbox 360 version of Bioshock 2 so far DAMN FINE. They’ve enhanced the good, fixed a few issues, and done a nice job on a sequel.
Interestingly these days I’m rarely interested in buying a PC version of anything, but recent events make it VERY LIKELY I’ll rarely buy one now. Too much intrusive “protection” has pretty much killed me with regard to games for PC’s. There’s no doubt that the PC is the only real format for RTS, but if I can’t depend on a trouble free experience there’s no point. There are still companies out there such as Stardock that believe that a gamer will pay for a product, and they don’t need to charge exorbitant prices nor smother a product within intrusive “copy protection” systems that do nothing but intrude on the legitimate purchaser’s experience. I’ve been happy to support such companies over the years, and it looks like they are going to be my only choices for RTS purchases.