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  • Games, games, games…

    2009 - 07.18

    I discovered today that I have three game expansions that were basically unplayed, and not even fully unpacked!

    The expansions in question were:

    The Tomb of Ice an expansion for Descent: a Journey in the Dark.

    The Island of Dread an expansion for Runebound 2nd Edition. In the interests of reducing the numbers, I cracked this one tonight (Friday) and did a play test to familiarize myself with the facets of the expansion.

    Amazingly, amongst these is Kingsport Horror an expansion for Arkham Horror. Mind you, I’ve got Innsmouth Horror on the way now, so I really need to get this one played.

    Hopefully I can crack The Tomb of Ice on Saturday afternoon, evening, and this will only leave one to try and get cracked before the newest additions arrive sometime next week. One the way other than the one previously mentioned are: The Frozen Wastes, another for Runebound 2nd Edition, and the newly released Age of Conan: the board game. I’m really looking forward to unpacking that one and getting people around the table for a session.

    Also dug this one out of the archives to check. My friend Mark bought Fellowship of the Ring in about 1984 or ’85. He very kindly gave it to me a couple of years ago, knowing my interest in both boardgames and Tolkien.

    It’s a classic ICE. We unpacked it, but never actually got to play it. We were all too wasted at the time to make sense of it. So it’s still virgin so to speak. YES, all those D6’s are counters. I hope to get a game of it organized one day soon.

    Speaking of board game lust (which obviously I am languishing in), I’m counting the weeks until the release of Middle Earth Quest. This looks absolutely fantastic, and a wonderful compliment to War of the Ring.

    *sigh* I wonder how one gets into a career as a game designer?

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