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    Morning Fun…

    2014 - 12.08

    Why do Tiggakats always decided to bring you gifts before you’re going to work?

    Furbag Summary…

    2014 - 11.21

    Well Chemoux’s been here three weeks now and it’s all working out better than I could have hoped in this short time. Tigga and Chemoux were literally playing at wrestling on the bed all over me while I was trying to sleep the other night. Then they’d go “plop” landing on the floor, race around upstairs, and rolling all over the bed again. Awesome but inconvenient at that time!

    I’ve also noted: two cats equals twice as many lizards on the floor, and twice as much cat fur everywhere including the desk and computer screen! Still I couldn’t be happier with how Chemoux has fitted in and how well Tigga has accepted her to Darriwell Territory.

    Who’s Been Eating My Star Stones…

    2014 - 11.01

    The first night over, and the new addition Chemoux spent the night on the bed. The incumbent i.e. Tigga decided to spend the night downstairs. However this morning we seem to be making slight progress. The newcomer is quite comfortable and happy. The incumbent is taking some time to warm up to her housemate. I agree it’s not perfect or love at first sight for Tigga, but I feel positive that she will be more receptive over time than Granny Baggsy was towards Tigga. Introductions are no doubt helped by Rainy Weather today which means there is motivation to stay inside for Tigga. She tried the indignant “I’m staying outside until that ‘thing’ has gone”, but cool wet weather has motivated her to settle for being indignant inside.

    Who Thinks They’re Sleeping in My Bed…

    2014 - 10.31

    Well Chemoux has arrived, and so far it’s not World War 3! That said there have been a few hisses through the window. At present it’s the Mexican stand-off with “I’m outside, you’re not!” Then there’s the glare at me accompanied by “What the hell!” But so far, Chemoux seems happy enough in her new surroundings. I think she’s happy, just not sure how happy a certain Tiggakat is about the arrangement. If there’s some acceptance, I’m sure I’ll feel more relaxed about the whole change much quicker.

    And Then There Were Two…

    2014 - 10.30

    I became possessed yesterday, and was drawn to the R.S.P.C.A. mysteriously. I seem to have left becoming the pet of yet another Death Row Moggie…

    My idea was that I would give a “Senior” a home for her last years of retirement, but I was mesmerised by Chemoux who will be coming home on Friday. There’ll be some photos by the weekend. I suppose that means she will need a blog too!

    Maybe this should be “And Then There Were Three…”!

    Week 43…

    2014 - 10.25

    Well another weekend has come around, and yet another week of work has passed. A busy week but it hasn’t exactly dragged, so things are certainly feeling better overall. I think I shall slip off to the wetlands about 500 metres away just before sunrise and see what little feathered critters I can photograph early this morning. I did go over for a scope on Wednesday night, just to get a feel for the light in the evening, and I think the morning should be interesting too. Tiggakat is out and about after a night on the doona, things must have cooled down a bit for her overnight. I got the head massage about 4:00 this morning, but for once I think I’d slept solidly right through the night without waking, so it didn’t feel quite so harsh. It’s been a big week.

    Not Quite “Night of the Iguana”…

    2014 - 10.20

    While out in the back yard tonight I was fortunate to see a Blue Tongue Lizard. I’d just walked up the path towards the back half of the block when I turned around to see Tigga wandering up the path behind me in her usual “he needs to be supervised” manner. Then I noticed her stop with that look of “well, there’s something I haven’t seen before“.

    I followed her line of sight and realised I’d just walked past a Blue Tongue Lizard. It was probably a teenager, as it was barely three centimetres in diameter and less than 30cm in total length. It was also moulting, and trying to catch a last bit of the evening sun.

    I was amused to watch her approach it and then jump back about a metre after it hissed at her and poked out its big blue tongue! I had hopes of ducking back inside to grab the a camera, but I’d not moved more than about 3 metres before it took shelter under the old cubby that’s in the back yard.

    Clearly I will have to keep my eyes open for another opportunity. I have to say I’ve not seen one up close out here for a number of years, and I’ve certainly not seen evidence of one on the property since I bought it five years ago.

    Las Plagas…

    2014 - 10.20

    Last week turned out to be a very busy week, but still in the end not too bad. Ended up working from home Friday and today just to make sure I could make a significant dent in cleaning up my current project at work, as well as some research into some other problems in the environment. I’d say well worth it to reduce the interruptions I usually get while at work. However can’t last forever; tomorrow I will have to return to the my little Battery Hen cage and continue to put out the spot fires while Rome burns!

    I have bitten the bullet and decided that I will start running an Antivirus on my OS X machines, the internet just seems to be getting more and more dangerous thanks to unscrupulous programmers. I know that best practice while using a mac gives you next to no chance of catching a virus, but just because that’s the case now, it will be too late if I get the first major one that makes the grade! Additionally I still have to interact with a lot of windows users, and we do know there’s no doubt the Windows World is ridden with filth everywhere! I did the research about six months ago, but after narrowing the list to about three contenders still wasn’t convinced that the need was there to justify adding something to the operating system which by it’s very nature has to impact on performance. I think the risks are now increasing to the point I’m no longer willing to depend on the fact that my preferred OS and hardware solution is only about 10% of the share of what’s available. Clearly key loggers and email trojans are there to pickup up the big & the small, and although I don’t make their job easy as it is, I would like to make it even harder now. No doubt there will be more updates to follow.

    I’m currently running the Sophos OS X free version on one of the machines, and I’ve dug into the wallet for a 3 licence version of ESET Cyber Security for OS X. I’ve dug into the wallet for the extra flexibility offered by the paid ESET. Additionally it offers a flexible licencing option, and has tested up in the top 5 for detection over the last several years.

    Good Glass…

    2014 - 10.06

    About six weeks ago I picked up a new lens, the Tamron Di 150mm – 600mm. I’ve been so impressed with it that I am in awe of it’s performance considering it’s price to the big name “equivalents”. I use the work “equivalent” with some “looseness” given that so far none of the Nikon or Canon lenses have the range and are at least $4000 more expensive.

    I bought it mainly for wildlife photography, and had the idea of using it for some sports shooting too. So far it’s provided amazing performance. The critics reviewed it quite favourably although indicated a drop in performance at the last 50mm of the range. However, can’t say that I’ve noticed that much drop: considering my savings of a bit over $3500 from the closest Nikon currently available. My one comment is that it DOES need plenty of light, having a minimum aperture range of F5 – F6.3. I’ll be putting some shots up on Mirrormere very soon, just need to catch up on a few imports. I am even making an effort to try and get to some sports events! I went to shoot the Cycling at Buninyong last weekend, and shot about 750 shots, and culled it down to 500 or so after sorting through.

    A friend of a friend was riding in the race, and here’s one of him (Nat) on his first lap.

    Nat on Lap 1 – Sat 4th Oct 2104

    Here’s another one of a pleased rider.

    Made it!

    I also sent an email around work asking for “pet” models, and was very surprised at the response. I have had probably about a dozen responses. So many that it’s going to take me several weeks to organise such shots. I even got an offer of a Bonsai collection to shoot.

    A New Coat of Paint (Coat 2)…

    2014 - 09.21

    Well second coat is on, and unfortunately, it’s going to take a third. Lesson learned: Undercoat! Undercoat! Undercoat! So Lunch, then off to buy another tin, as I’ve got to make sure I have enough for the last 2 rooms when I’m ready to do them. However they will get undercoat!