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  • The Glitter of Time…

    2014 - 02.23

    I had a different sort of photography shoot last weekend, a still life, but something a bit different. My friend Stu brought his Watch Collection up for me to shoot for him. He collects watches (mostly diving it seems), and wanted some shots done to be able to present them to other people who also collect such watches. It was definitely good to have a different type of challenge. He wanted them shot in Natural Light, and it’s amazing how much light can reflect off a watch when you’re trying to photograph one. Surprisingly after a few shots with the Macro on the D7000, and then my D600 with the Tamron 24-70mm it was clear that my Tamron 24-70mm was the lens for the shoot.

    Still I learned a trick or two, and although I’ve not finished the post processing yet for him, I feel some good work was achieved, and some new knowledge and skills developed. I’ll get some shots up on Mirrormere in a week or so. Thanks for the chance Stu!

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