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  • Las Plagas…

    2014 - 10.20

    Last week turned out to be a very busy week, but still in the end not too bad. Ended up working from home Friday and today just to make sure I could make a significant dent in cleaning up my current project at work, as well as some research into some other problems in the environment. I’d say well worth it to reduce the interruptions I usually get while at work. However can’t last forever; tomorrow I will have to return to the my little Battery Hen cage and continue to put out the spot fires while Rome burns!

    I have bitten the bullet and decided that I will start running an Antivirus on my OS X machines, the internet just seems to be getting more and more dangerous thanks to unscrupulous programmers. I know that best practice while using a mac gives you next to no chance of catching a virus, but just because that’s the case now, it will be too late if I get the first major one that makes the grade! Additionally I still have to interact with a lot of windows users, and we do know there’s no doubt the Windows World is ridden with filth everywhere! I did the research about six months ago, but after narrowing the list to about three contenders still wasn’t convinced that the need was there to justify adding something to the operating system which by it’s very nature has to impact on performance. I think the risks are now increasing to the point I’m no longer willing to depend on the fact that my preferred OS and hardware solution is only about 10% of the share of what’s available. Clearly key loggers and email trojans are there to pickup up the big & the small, and although I don’t make their job easy as it is, I would like to make it even harder now. No doubt there will be more updates to follow.

    I’m currently running the Sophos OS X free version on one of the machines, and I’ve dug into the wallet for a 3 licence version of ESET Cyber Security for OS X. I’ve dug into the wallet for the extra flexibility offered by the paid ESET. Additionally it offers a flexible licencing option, and has tested up in the top 5 for detection over the last several years.

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